четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

exhilarating invigorating aids digestion

I got all mushy-geeky about my new touch lamp, remember? Coolest thing evah.

A new but related cool thing happened today.

The cats were prevented from entering this office (formerly Nuutapos;s isolation ward/ domain/ container of the all things of which she was queen) for about a year. Well, anything except their noses and toes, usually accompanied by desperate and piteous howls of offended honor.

I scrubbed down or threw out the FIP-infected surfaces in this office right before I got sick. In fact, it was literally the last thing I did before I got too sick to move. In fact in fact, the vacuum cleaner did not budge from beside my office chair for many days (unintentionally thwarting the plans of a certain androgyne).

Anyway, today I finally got the big red chair wrapped in enough layers of plastic and thick toweling to open the office door. (Trust me, if you were a cat, the first thing youapos;d want to mark in a long-restricted territory is the big red chair. Because you are a cat. And it is big and red.)

So about half an hour ago, I did it. I opened the long-closed, often-rammed door. In came cat after cat after cat. Things had to be explored. Old things, new things, changed things.

And you know what? We have a set of hefty young cats now. You know what else? Any part of that lamp you touch turns it on or brighter or brightest or off. So my desk, for the past half hour, even when my monitor was not hidden by fat cat bellies, has been lit like a bad stage production of Dracula or somedamnthing.

And thatapos;s a cool thing.

(Being easily amused is a good thing.) (Did I mention that there was also some initiatory scarf-and-barf decorating the floor within the first half hour? Fucking woot.)
exhilarating invigorating aids digestion, exhilarating orgasms, exhilarating pain, exhilaratingly.

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